Refresh your enthusiasm for life by dealing with challenges, confirming your choices, or just finding that extra motivation you need to push through the day!
Pharmacy Week Resources
Pharmacy Week, October 17-23, 2021
Pharmacy Strong
Check back often for updates to this page
Last update: October 6, 2021
National Pharmacy Week is an opportunity to share your gratitude for the many things your coworkers and care team contribute to meeting your pharmacy mission. It is also a time to celebrate pharmacy with those you serve!
Engage your team with some lively diversions, play a game, encourage team activities, and recognize special efforts performed by special people - your people!
Engage those you serve by inviting them into your world. Write an article for your facility newsletter, local paper, or company communique. Share your pharmacy's activities on social media and tag your posts with #pharmacyweek so everybody can follow along!
Use the links on this page to access our sample news releases, messages and article, puzzles, games, quizzes, and award templates.
Don't stop after Pharmacy Week is over. Every day is an opportunity to recognize somebody's contribution, to invite someone to explore our world, and to celebrate our achievements.
Pharmacy Strong - It's not just a theme. It's how we've been practicing all along!
Pharmacy Week Trivia
The first pharmacy week was held on October 11-17, 1925.It was the idea of pharmacistRobert Ruthof Ashville, NC
Communication Samples
(Word document files)
Letters of appreciation (Individual, Staff, Admin.)
News articles (Coming soon)
Games and Activities
(PDF Files)
Going, Going, Gone - A quiz, on drugs that might be gone or might be gone just from your memory
(Click here for answer sheet)
Pharmacy Bingo - part bingo, part scavenger hunt,
all fun for all team members
Pharmacy Wordsearch - perfect for a quick break or a team challenge
Pharmacy Crossword - a pharmacy twist on a classic word game (Click here for answer sheet)
Motivation Mania - Printable versions of our weekly social media favorite Monday Motivations
Certificate Templates
For a limited time, unlimited access to select ROAMcare certificates of achievement and recognition and certificates of gratitude and appreciation. Click here
Pharmacy Week Extras
What Pharmacy Strong means to us
Listen to our podcast episode as we discuss preparing for pharmacy week and why we feel Pharmacy Strong is even stronger together!
Pharmacy Week Trivia
(Coming soon)
Here are some facts about pharmacy and pharmacy week they didn't teach you in school!