“The holiday may be called ThanksGIVING but if not for what was GIVEN, we can’t appreciate the joy of being special to someone and a target of other’s gratitude.” We said that last year right before Thanksgiving and it started some deep level thinking. We’ve been taught it is better to give than to receive but just what do we give? Last week’s post gives us a great idea of how to be thankful and giving just in time for Thanksgiving.
The theme running through that post is based in an idea voiced by Fred Rogers in his acceptance speechfor his Emmy Awards Lifetime Achievement Award in 1997, “All of us have special ones who loved us into being.” We all have special ones who have loved us into being. It is time now to give so much of ourselves that we love others into their beings.
How do we do that? What role do we play in someone’s life. We are all somebody to someone. We are mentor, coach, teacher, parent, boss, colleague, leader, follower, child, spouse, partner, student, neighbor, example, learner. The first step in loving someone into being is being the best of what you are the best you can be. And then be better. Listen to your others. Hear when they are struggling and need a compassionate companion to see them through a difficult period. Hear when they are succeeding and reinforce their positive accomplishments. Do all of this with care, concern, honor, and respect and without any thought of anything in return, maybe not even thanks. It’s being courageous enough to give of yourself and not hold back in sharing.
We may never know if we are making a difference in somebody’s life but if we make a difference in our own lives then we know we’re on the right track.
Take the lead in giving this Thanksgiving. Give until you feel it. Give until you feel the difference. Give happily, give joyously, give generously. Give thankfully knowing by giving yourself, you could be loving somebody into being.