December days should be centered around shopping, wrapping, and baking for the upcoming holidays, for school holiday concerts and football playoffs, and for open houses and holiday parties. But too often December work days are filled with short staffing, overtime requests, and year-end reports. December school days too often feature tests, tests, and more tests, interrupted by essays, reports, and maybe that one holiday dance. Even December home days too often find us stressing over decorations that don’t hang themselves, dinners don’t cook themselves, and holiday linens don’t freshen themselves. Those festively decked out trees don’t grow on trees. Maybe we should more often think about the December calendar days of festive street scenes, peaceful landscapes, and funny snowmen. We think we need to not wait for January to make our resolutions and resolve to do something positive right now, while we still have a whole month to get a running start on a Happy New Year.
This was a thought we first published last December and it still has a lot of good going for it. Then we had suggested bucking that typically hurried December pace and bringing a little peace to the beginning of each day by remembering something that was good and a positive for you that happened this year. We’ll go further and say among those good happenings you may find a good habit you will want to resolve to continue doing next year. Or you may find yourself resolving to begin every day next with a memory of something good to be model of activity for that day.
So since tomorrow is December 1, now is a good time to make a New Month Resolution that you will begin every day in December remembering one thing, just one thing, that was good and positive that happened to you or to someone close to you, this year. The goal is to create some moments of peace to combat the messiness in our lives and the disarray that is so often typical of the end of the year, to find a memory you can smile about and enjoy every day, to be at peace and to remember there really are good things that happen to us every day, and then to remember them every day!
Happy New Month! May it be filled with happy memories and lead to an exceptionally happy new year!
