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Uplift! The Blog at ROAMcare

A weekly roundup of ideas to Uplift! yourself and where you can join in lively discussions to make ROAMcare what we are.

Moments of Motivation

A dose of Motivation is the remedy you need when dealing with challenges or just finding some extra motivation to push through the day. Be inspired with these small doses of positivity drawn from our lives and experiences.


Taking a Chance on Change


Updated: Mar 17, 2021

By Diem Pham, Founding Partner, ROAMcare

In the midst of a deep winter freeze, it is hard to imagine that Spring would ever appear. Somehow we’ve grown accustomed to the short, dark days, of being retreated indoors. We’ve forgotten about the warm, bright summer days and being active outdoors. Surely as the seasons change we must also change and adapt, not just to the weather and change in season, but in our daily living.

Our world is full of uncertainties. The only thing that is certain is change. Change is our constant, necessary part of life. Even positive changes that are healthy can be stressful. We gravitate to the familiar. We like our routines, things that bring us comfort. Even as change evolves us for the better, it takes time to adapt and accept, to let go of the comfortable. It can challenge and stimulate us or threaten and overwhelm us. We can take a proactive approach or be reactive. It’s all a matter of our perspective, to welcome the opportunity for growth and insight or dwell in dread hanging onto the way things were. But no matter how big the impact, we adjust better when we do not give into fear and anxiety conjuring up what might be. To do so involves cultivating a courageous mindset, overcoming anxiety and fear, and boldly deciding to go forth. It can be as simple as developing a new habit to exercise or to wear a mask, or as challenging to embark on a new journey of a new career or an unexpected illness diagnosis. The beauty revealed in the change comes from a mindset of not resistance, but acceptance.

One thing that I see consistent and constant, despite the many waves and seasons of changes, is our unwavering commitment to serve. We are here committed to serve our communities, giving hope to others while delivering care with compassion to all who seek healing. We remain resolute to our commitment to care, steadfast to our professional oath. We come together focused not on the barriers of change but on being part of the greater good. In our resolve to change and adjust our outlook for ourselves, we as a collective whole transform our world.  Change is unavoidable because it is necessary. Transformation is empowering because you care.



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